Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society for the Chinese

2024 Annual Chinese Seminar

The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society for the Chinese (ELMSC) will hold its Ninth Annual Chinese Seminar on Holy Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism June 6-10, 2024 on the campus of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana (CTS-FW). The seminar is designed especially for Mandarin-speaking North American Chinese Christians who would like to engage in a deeper study of Scripture and the Catechism using Mandarin Chinese.

The seminary location was chosen also to encourage participants toward possibly later studying to be a pastor or deaconess in the Lutheran Church. Participants will study (in Mandarin Chinese) Holy Scripture (this year the letter to the Hebrews) and Luther’s Small Catechism (this year focusing on the Ten Commandments). The prayer offices of Matins and Compline will also be conducted each day (in Mandarin Chinese). 


On Sunday morning, attendees will attend Divine Service at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ft. Wayne. The presenters for the seminar are all pastors of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). Registration is limited to 20 participants.

福音路德會華人宣道協會將於2024年6月6-10日主辦第九屆『聖經及基督信仰小問答研討會。』地點是在美國印第安納州韋恩堡市的協同神學院。此研討會特別為想要用普通話多學習聖經及信仰小問答的北美華人基督徒開辦。所學習的題目包括聖經中關於得救的基本教導,聖經其中一本書的研究(今年為希伯來書),以及基督信仰小問答 (今年特別注重十條誡)。研討會的講員都是美國路德會密蘇裡總會(LCMS)的牧師。

2024 Presenters 講員

Rev. Dr. Gifford Grobien
葛若恩牧師 / 博士

  • Associate Professor of Systematic Theology – CTS-FW
  • 2011 PhD: University of Notre Dame
  • seminar topic: The Ten Commandments in Luther’s Small Catechism
  • 系統神學教授Associate Professor of Historical Theology – CTS-FW
  • 2011 PhD: University of Notre Dame
  • 本會議的題目:馬丁路德小問答:十條誡

Rev. Dr. Michael Paul

  • Theological Educator to Taiwan – LCMS Office of International Mission
  • 2010 PhD: Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO
  • seminar topic: The Ten Commandments in Luther’s Small Catechism
  • 住台灣的宣教士(神學教育者) – LCMS Office of International Mission
  • 1996, 2010, MDiv, PhD: Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
  • 本會議的題目:馬丁路德小問答:十條誡

Rev. Xinhong “Chris” Yang

  • Pastor, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Falls Church, VA
  • 2009 MDiv: CTS-FW
  • seminar topic: the letter to the Hebrews
  • 堂會牧師,St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Falls Church, VA
  • 2009 MDiv: CTS-FW
  • 本會議的題目:希伯來書


Registration 報名

For US attendees:

The registration fee is $150, which covers all costs for the seminar, including housing and food. (The registration fee for attendees not needing on-campus housing is $80.) In addition, the society will cover up to $400 transportation costs for the first ten registrants (and possibly more, depending on available funds). Those interested in participating are asked to fill out a registration form and email or “snail mail” it to the addresses below.

The $150 registration fee can be paid through PayPal or electronic check (see below) or by paper check (payable to ELMSC), sent to the address below. As the registration form indicates, registrants are required to have their pastor (or coordinator of the Christian organization in which they participate) write a brief recommendation paragraph for the participant on the registration form.

email address: elmsc9@gmail.com

snail mail address:

100 E. Michigan St.
Evansville, IN 47711

For overseas attendees:

Only those with a direct connection to LCMS mission work and have a recommendation letter from an LCMS missionary will be considered for attendance. Attendees must pay all transportation costs, but all costs of the
seminar itself will be covered by the society. Please email the registration form to the society email address: elmsc9@gmail.com



報名費可用PayPal或電子支票(看下面)或寫一般支票(寫給 “ELMSC”)。參加者數目有限,僅20位。報名表有地方給報名者的牧師寫個簡單的推薦。

電子郵件: elmsc9@gmail.com


100 E. Michigan St.
Evansville, IN 47711


用電郵寄到協會的電郵住址: elmsc9@gmail.com

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